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Latest Emerging Technologies That Will Change the World



Tech companies around the world are in a race to develop the first full artificial intelligence but there are steps along the way that arguably are going to be far more impactful on the technology around us and how we live our lives one of these concepts is the idea of deep learning whereby computer algorithms can analyze past behavior and automatically find solutions to improve performance one of the most interesting forms of this is called gpt-3 developed by openai it's the third generation of a language prediction model and the idea is that based on learning by itself it's able to write text in the same way as a human does it's one of the most difficult types of human imitation and this latest attempt is almost unbelievable based on initial studies it's virtually impossible to differentiate between something written by gpt3 or by an actual person and companies like microsoft have already begun to incorporate it into their products described recently as being one of the most interesting and important ai systems ever produced gpt-3 will further blur the lines of reality and you may well find yourself reading news articles or even novels that haven't had any human involvement whatsoever.


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