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First beginning in 1973 and completed in 1993 the american gps satellite network was the first global navigation system and revolutionize the way that everyone determines where they are on earth at first the benefits were envisaged for militaries but the technology has now had an impact on all of our lives from the way certain electronics works to satnav systems and location-based tracking the problem with gps though is that the original 24 satellites along with further ones that were subsequently added don't provide a perfect resolution and are only accurate to within a few feet they also don't provide full coverage around the world as anyone who has tried to use location tracking in mountainous areas or dense urban environments will know and the signals are actually relatively simple to block which is a constant threat for military use there is therefore huge demand for improving the system and the technology has already been developed to do this known as gps3 and built by lockheed martin the satellites are already being launched and are expected to have fully upgraded the network within a few years when the project is complete the signals will be far more precise than now and eight times stronger so they can't be blocked resulting in improved safety signal integrity and far greater accuracy.


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