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Fighting Fire with Sound

Fighting Fire with Sound

With our changing climate, wildfires are becoming more common across the planet and they're becoming even more difficult to control. As an example in california alone five times the area is burning each year now compared to what happened in the 1970s. This is only expected to increase traditionally. The way to extinguish or at least limit the spread of fire would be to use huge quantities of water or foam but with water. Shortages happening too and the reluctance to drop chemicals onto the land an alternative can't come soon enough.

Luckily a solution was first revealed in 2015 and has continued in development to the point where it'll soon be deployed on a large scale. First designed to put out small fires in kitchens the acoustic extinguisher uses sound waves to push oxygen away from the source of a fire and spread it over a wider area. This cuts off the fuel of the fire and if maintained for long enough will simply cause it to fizzle out. There have been attempts to do this before but now that the optimal frequencies and techniques have been figured out. It's very likely that this will become one of the main methods of fire control in the coming decades.


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