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Latest Emerging Technologies That Will Change the World



There are two main reactions when people hear of blockchain either they start telling you about the best new cryptocurrencies to invest in or they switch off from boredom the fact is though that while blockchain technology does underpin the operation of these new decentralized currencies this is just the beginning of how useful and integrated to our lives that it will become put simply a blockchain is a list of information that's linked together by a cryptographic technique and once a block has been added it can't be changed and acts as a permanent record to begin with this was used to prove who owns a particular coin of currency or more recently pieces of digital art but there are a number of companies exploring how much wider the uses are there are already examples of how blockchain is being used to enable energy trading and various other transactions but perhaps the most important use is that it can track the history of individual products the food industry can benefit hugely from this by being able to prove exactly where and when ingredients were harvested or cooked and brands will also be able to use blockchain to prove whether an item is an original or a forgery.


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