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3D Printing

3D Printing

3D printing has had a varied history since it first started being used in the 1980s and even until recently it's only been useful for very specific tasks essentially feeding liquefied material into a chamber and by applying layer upon layer being able to create a 3d object it's a technique that's mostly been known for creating small plastic objects or replacement components for certain devices as our understanding of materials has improved though 3d printers are increasingly being able to make objects out of different substances and are becoming seen as potentially the future of manufacturing from clothing and food to medical devices and the ability to rapidly prototype new designs the possibilities are endless but perhaps the most exciting area is how it'll change large projects there's already a number of buildings around the world that have been built from 3d printed parts and this is going to become even more common instead of needing to ship all of the different types of bricks and other parts needed to build a house all that's needed is a supply of the basic material and a printer and everything can be manufactured on site it'll reduce transport needs wastage and increase efficiency and could mean new homes can be built at a fraction of the time they currently take.


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